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My Universe

Woo Kukwon

Installation view of 《나의 우주 ; My Universe》

Tang Contemporary Art is pleased to present 《나의 우주; My Universe》, a solo exhibition by the widely beloved artist Woo Kukwon known for his distinctive style, from July 20 to August 24, 2024.

The ‘universe’, containing all matter and energy, exists within an immense, constantly evolving, and expanding space. It goes beyond the notions of time and space, embodying profound philosophical and psychological meanings. It provokes contemplation of human existence and evokes feelings of humility and awe. What is ‘my universe’?

Installation view of 《나의 우주 ; My Universe》

The exhibition title, 《나의 우주 ; My Universe》, reveals Woo’s unique sense of humor in engaging us with comfort and amusement. ‘My Universe’ carries a two-fold meaning: it refers to the vast cosmos of galaxies and also to the name of his daughter, Wooju, which means universe in Korean. This exhibition encompasses themes he has long explored, such as ‘the exploration of the human inner self’, ‘reflection on life’, and ‘Intergenerational relationships’. The exhibition showcases his oeuvre paying homage to his father, Woo Jaekyung, highlighting the gaps, comprehension, and empathy between those two generations. This collection serves as an invitation of contemplation sent to the next generation and reflects the artist’s effort to explore his own universe.

Woo Kukwon, Walden, 2024, Oil on canvas, 181.8 x 181.8 cm

Woo Kukwon’s works appear as if meticulously crafted, giving the impression of carefully stitched artworks or sometimes resembling thick oil paints that have been sculpted. The unique visual effects embedded in his works, with their intricately manipulated textures, invite us to closely observe and immerse ourselves in the artworks. His works weave relationships like stitching and delve into the inner self, initiating a narrative.

Woo Kukwon, Walden, 2024, Oil on canvas, 181.8 x 181.8 cm

Children embodying the beautiful nature of humanity, and animals frequently appear in Woo Kukwon’s works, offering a fairy-tale-like feeling and conveying a pure, childlike perspective. Anthropomorphized expressions and the arrangement of characters in staged situations elicit smiles from viewers, transforming into smiles of empathy upon discovering the hidden wit within the artworks. The diaper-clad child in his works introduces another layer of unpredictability while building tension. This new generation, symbolized by the baby within the artwork’s universe, represents an entity we must observe and coexist with, one that will expand our existing universe. How will this new existence shape our understanding, and what significance will we hold for it as we create a new universe together?

Woo Kukwon, Big Fish, 2024, Oil on canvas, 181.8 x 227.3 cm

On canvases reminiscent of fairy tales for adults, explosive expressions of emotion are conveyed through vibrant colors. The combinations of hues rarely encountered in the real world infuse energy into the artworks, breathing life into the depicted universe. The gap between the simplified characters and the energetic colors evokes the boundary between fairy tales and reality. Just as these disparate energies harmonize on the canvas, the ideals of fairy tales and the realities we face may co-exist as a unified whole in a space like ‘my universe’.

Woo Kukwon, Big Wave, 2024, Oil on canvas, 193.9 x 259.1 cm

This exhibition notably features characters set in exotic landscapes that arouse a sense of déjà vu. The landscapes, seemingly familiar yet foreign, are inspired by the works of Katsushika Hokusai(葛飾 北斎, 1760-1849), an artist whose influence extends globally beyond the popularization of Japanese art. Woo Kukwon leaves traces of graffiti-like writings and drawings in his works, utilizing his unique painting techniques to pour emotions, experiences, and thoughts onto the canvas. Choosing Hokusai’s works as the backdrop for his paintings was a method to express his ideas and resolutions. Hokusai, who deeply inspired Western artists and played a crucial role in the integration of Eastern and Western art, represents a model of relentless effort and artistic contribution for future artists. Woo Kukwon aspires to be an artist who continually strives to create empathetic spaces through art, contributing, even slightly, to bridging the gaps between East and West and across generations.

The enchanting and beautiful fairy tale for adults presented in Woo Kukwon’s solo exhibition 《나의 우주 ; My Universe》 invites us to embark on a meaningful journey to discover their own universe.


Tang Contemporary Art Seoul
B2, 6, Apgujeong-ro 75-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
+82 02 3445 8889

