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The Fifth Season

Youngmi Shin

Installation View of ‘The Fifth Season’

ATELIER AKI is delighted to present Youngmi Shin’s solo exhibition “The Fifth Season” from May 23 to June 29, 2024. The exhibition is Youngm Shini’s fifth solo show, marketing her momentous return to the art scene after 13 years.

신영미, A Moonlight Night, 2023, acrylic on canvas, 146x112cm

Shin has consistently explored and experimented with the structures and flows that constitute the essence of life. In a bold departure from her earlier emphasis on the ego, this exhibition broadens her artistic horizon, embracing the fundamental nature of all life forms. Featuring 15 groundbreaking new paintings, this showcase illuminates a profound transformation in Youngmi Shin’s creative universe, offering a deeper insight into her evolving artistic vision.

신영미, Giving birth, 2024, acrylic on canvas, 194x130cm

This exhibition “The Fifth Season” heralds a transformative phase in Youngm Shini’s artistic journey, where her focus broadens from individual identity to the expansive notion of all life forms endowed with vitality. Shin’s artistic exploration, initially intrigued by the multiple personas of contemporary individuals since the early 2000s, now probes deeper into the essence of existence. This evolution signifies a significant shift: moving from introspective questions about the self to a wider contemplation of the essence that animates all beings. Transcending previous works that centered the ego, Shin’s new approach visualizes herself as part of a broader tapestry of life. The artist’s latest paintings no longer depict figures as mere subjects but position them as dynamic objects that serve as mirrors, reflecting the interconnected identities of not only the artist herself but also a mother, daughter, and audience alike. “The Fifth Season” promises a compelling narrative, charting a course through the expanded realms of human and universal existence.

신영미, In the Shadowlands, 2023, acrylic on canvas, 91x73cm

In her captivating new work, “Living Bouquet,” the artist transcends traditional views, presenting nature not as manipulated through human perception but as an eternal tableau where every phase of a flower’s life—blooming, withering, dying, and regenerating—coexists. “Living Bouquet” celebrates the perpetual beauty and vitality of life, encapsulating its aesthetic essence while contemplating the transient nature of existence. The artist defines life as a continuous, creative cycle, mirroring the cyclical processes of nature. Through this exploration, she weaves life’s existential themes into a rich narrative of fantastical realms, highlighting the interconnectedness of being and nothingness within the natural world.

신영미, Living Bouquet 1, 2023, acrylic on canvas, 91x73cm

“In my artistic exploration, I delve into the profound essence of human inner nature, tracing its intricate connections with the natural world. My aim is to mirror the sheer, cyclical vitality of nature, drawing parallels to the human experience. Like nature’s unscripted display, through the myriad forms life assumes across time, I seek to capture the genuine splendor and vigor of existence. Existence itself is infinite, rich with unique beauty and a testament to the ceaselessly creative spirit of life. Through my work, I weave narratives that embrace both the ambiguity and the abundant richness of life.” / Youngmi Shin 2024

신영미, Seasons, 2023, acrylic on canvas, 40.9×27.3cm

The artist transcends traditional canvas boundaries with her innovative wood panel work, presenting her subjects in a tangible and immediate form that explores the nuanced interplay between flatness and three-dimensionality. Drawing inspiration from childhood paper dolls, she liberates figures from the confines of the canvas, allowing them to inhabit the exhibition space with newfound vitality. This dynamic approach not only challenges conventional spatial perceptions but also creates an immersive environment where art and space fluidly interact, offering a fresh dimension of artistic expression.

신영미, Seven Eyes, 2024, acrylic on canvas, 117x91cm

Furthermore, the artist utilizes a signature palette of delicate pastel tones, favoring a flat expression over three-dimensional forms, which crafts scenarios that transcend ordinary reality. This unique blend presents an enchanting atmosphere akin to the ephemeral quality of fairy tales or the surreal essence of dreams. Through this ethereal interplay of dreamlike hues, whimsical styles, and imaginative narratives, the artist blurs the lines between reality and imagination, enticing viewers to step into a world of fantasy.

신영미, The first bloom, 2023, acrylic on canvas, 153x122cm

Youngmi Shin (b. 1979) earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in painting from Kookmin University. Her works have been showcased internationally, with exhibitions at Andrew Bae Gallery (USA), Union Gallery (UK), Seoul Museum of Art, Gallery Hyundai, and Sungkok Art Museum (all in South Korea), and notable platforms across Hong Kong, Germany, China, the USA, Brazil, and Japan. Shin has made significant inroads into the global art market, displaying her works at prestigious platforms such as Christie’s Hong Kong and Art Cologne in Germany.

Her early works quickly captured the attention of and brought vitality to the international art community, notably recording nearly double their estimated value at a Christie’s Hong Kong auction in 2008, just three years post-debut. Her tenure as a resident artist at Seoul’s Nanji Art Studio (2006-2007) and the National Goyang Art Studio (2007-2008) helped cement her status in the art world and further develop her artistic vision. Shin’s global appeal is evidenced by her works being collected by Ricard Akagawa (Brazil), featured as one of the ‘Top 200 Collectors’ by ARTnews, demonstrating her prowess and appeal as a globally recognized artist. The artist’s work is collected in the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, MMCA. 

1F / B1F, Galleria Foret 32-14, Seoulsup 2-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
+82 2 464 7710

