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MAGICAL EQUILIBRIUM: What lies beneath the surface Traversing the dreamscapes and the symbolic terrain of the soul

Pato Bosich

Pato Bosich solo show “Magical Equilibrium” 1F installation view

Sun Gallery is proud to present the first solo exhibition in Korea of Pato Bosich. Bosich, an artist who has garnered critical acclaim for his vibrant abstract landscapes, will be showcased in this exhibition that offers an in-depth look into his artistic world. At the age of 18, Bosich left Chile and embarked on a solitary journey across Europe, accumulating diverse cultural experiences. His nomadic lifestyle, traversing countries such as Germany, Hungary, Russia, and the UK, has had a profound impact on shaping his artistic vision.

Pato Bosich solo show “Magical Equilibrium” 2F installation view

Bosich’s work is characterized by its expression of symbolic themes that blend tradition and modernity in a style where reality and imagination intertwine, underpinned by his deep exploration of classical literature and Greek mythology. His artistic philosophy is well-captured in this interview quote:

“All the different periods and artists from the European tradition are contemporary to me: they are alive, and I invite them into my circus.”

From this perspective, his work embodies a unique aesthetic where past and present coexist, leading viewers into a magical world of imagination.

Pato Bosich, Conjuring of the Tower, 2023, Acrylic, Acrylic Ink, Oil, Gold and Copper Leaf on Canvas, 160×115.2cm

Bosich has gained international recognition through over 30 solo and group exhibitions across the UK, USA, Chile, Russia, Sweden, Mexico, and Argentina. Notably, in 2020, he was invited to exhibit at the Stockholm National Museum’s ‘Inspiration: Iconic Works’ alongside contemporary art masters such as Jeff Koons, Joseph Kosuth, and Marina Abramović.

Pato Bosich, Arrival in the East, 2022, Acrylic & Oil on Canvas, 138.8x 167cm

This exhibition presents around 70 works, including 22oil paintings and 46 drawings. These pieces have been carefully curated through collaboration between Sun Gallery and international art experts, including Professor Ian Robertson of Hongik University, former dean of Sotheby’s Institute, and Claire McCaslin, an art curator with experience at McKinsey and Sotheby’s.

Pato Bosich, The Chariot, 2022, Oil on canvas, 169.5×136.7cm

This exhibition marks the significant introduction of Bosich’s artistic world to Korea. We hope that visitors will resonate with the unique visual experience offered by these works, which reinterpret and embody the artist’s diverse cultural experiences and art-historical inspirations.


8, Insa-dong 5-gil, Jongno-gu Seoul, Korea

