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Hana Kwon

권하나, Dreaming City, 2024, 112 x 145 cm, Oil and oil pastel on canvas

One day, feeling like a loner, I was walking down a cold and dark street alone. Suddenly, I was captivated by the smell of freshly baked bread coming from somewhere.

Following the savory aroma, I found happiness in a small bakery. The bread, providing warm comfort to my tired and lonely self, captivated me instantly. Since that day, whenever I catch the scent of baking bread, I am drawn to follow it, recalling the nostalgic memories of that day.

권하나, 아이스크림이 땡기는날, 2024, 65 x 53 cm, Oil and oil pastel on canvas

Life is a series of small and large turmoils, but within them, there is undeniable joy. Mistakes and setbacks are merely experiences. Through these experiences, we learn to manage our emotions, and in managing our emotions, our inner selves grow stronger.

권하나, Rewind, 2024, 116 x 91 cm, Oil and oil pastel on canvas

As I go through life, many temptations will undoubtedly come my way. Yet, this is simply part of the process of becoming someone who can make the right decisions. I overcome these challenges by enjoying the time in my own unique way. Every temptation that comes my way strongly stimulates my imagination. Just as I am tempted by the alluring smell of bread and choose one to eat, I assess the various emotions that tempt me. Expressing them in my own way is the greatest joy and the most authentic thing I can do. ー Hana Kwon

17, Apgujeong-ro 46-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

3F, 3-20-9 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0001, JAPAN

