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Entwined: Living Nature

Rim Park, Bo Kim, Hanna Chang

Installation view

BHAK is pleased to announce the exhibition 《Entwined: The Living Nature》 featuring artists Rim Park, Bo Kim and Hanna Chang from July 13 to August 17, 2024.

《Entwined: The Living Nature》 is a group exhibition showcasing contemporary works that explore the relationships between humans and various life forms. The title “Entwined” signifies complex interconnections, while “The Living Nature” highlights the coexistence of diverse life forms as independent entities within a communal relationship. The exhibition sheds light on the inseparable relationships among life forms that have existed from the past to the present.

Rim Park travels through primordial forests, visualizing imaginative narratives to express the relationships between humans and other life forms. Bo Kim explores the shared attributes of life found in nature and humans, investigating life principles from a cosmic perspective. Hannah Chang creates installation art demonstrating the transformation of discarded Styrofoam into rock-like forms, showcasing the evolving nature of artificial objects in the environment.

Installation view

This exhibition explores the existence of life forms in ways that cannot be captured by human-centric logical thinking, adopting a broader perspective. It aims to expand ethical attitudes by fostering interest and responsibility for the fate of life forms that will exist in the future, beyond the present time we live in.

Focusing on fundamental and primal experiences rather than scientific or political viewpoints, the exhibition traces various archetypes of life. Through this approach, it proposes a path for diverse beings to unite through the values of humanism, contemplating shared prosperity amidst the discourse on climate crisis and the Anthropocene.


19 Hannam-daero 40-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea
+82 2 544 8481

