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Michael Aschenbrenner, Jennifer Crescuillo, Amy Lemaire&Nicolas Touron

Installation View of ‘The Builders’ at SARAHCROWN 

In a world increasingly dominated by technology, artificial intelligence and automation, “The Builders” offers refreshing food-for-thought—a celebration of human ingenuity, tactile exploration, and material consciousness. Curated by John Drury, the exhibition presents a diverse collection of DIY objects, mixed-medium works, and art made with the latest technological advancements in ceramic making that invite viewers to explore and reconsider what it means when something is hand-made in contemporary art.

At the heart of the exhibition are the collaborative works of Amy Lemaire and Nicolas Touron. Combining three-dimensionally printed porcelain with flame-worked borosilicate glass, Lemaire & Touron craft pieces that blur the boundaries between man-made and natural forms. Their intuitive approach to creation results in works that are both conceptually grounded and visually arresting.

Installation View of ‘The Builders’ at SARAHCROWN

Michael Aschenbrenner’s contributions to “The Builders” offer a poignant reflection on the human condition. Drawing from his experiences in the Vietnam War, Aschenbrenner’s assemblage works, particularly his Damaged Bone Series, confront themes of inhumanity and fragility with a raw honesty. Yet, amidst the brutality, there is a profound sense of hope and healing permeating Aschenbrenner’s creations.

Jennifer Crescuillo’s hand-built vessels and life-cast sculptures serve as a testament to the enduring power of simplicity. Through her intuitive making process, Crescuillo captures moments of joy and nostalgia, inviting viewers to contemplate the passage of time and the impermanence of technology. Her works serve as both a reflection and a reminder of the cyclical nature of creation and decay.

“The Builders” is more than just an exhibition—it’s a reflection of our collective desire to create, to connect, and to leave a lasting impact on the world. As we navigate an increasingly complex and digital landscape, the works presented here remind us of the enduring power of human hands and the profound beauty of intuitive making.

373 Broadway #215 New York, NY 10013.
+1 347-393-4911

