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It Is Everywhere


조은정 CHO Eun Joung, 밤의 호수 Lake of The Night, 2023, 캔버스에 아크릴과 유채 Oil and acrylic on canvas, 91x91cm

Works of art leave something behind. What seems concrete but has no substance is the result of individual thoughts and becomes increasingly ambiguous. As soon as ​we live in reality, ​our exact memory disappears, making ​us think about another thing. This is it, living in an indeterminate world today, We think about modern art in conjunction with my daily life. It is pleasant and interesting to encounter and appreciate works from the perspective of today, not yesterday, but it also requires more understanding that is not easily defined. The process of thinking about the story beyond observation without putting any meaning on simply seeing it is necessary as an attitude toward art now. To know what is infinite.

순호 SOONHOW, Red Leaves, 2023, 캔버스에 유채, 60.6×72.7cm

Someone’s thoughts and unconsciousness naturally come out one day, so even if the shape is realistic, it cannot be seen as it is. Today’s art is the feeling that the outside form is vividly conveyed even if it is not specific. There is a point in which the artist’s thoughts are connected to his or her daily life in the process of the birth of a work. Living in the present may be simply passed by, but the progressive form is a view that cannot be fixed. In the category of existence, the creator’s perspective is bound to be delicate. The emotion of feeling and accepting something becomes a work, so it must be empathized by everyone and recognized as a different story.

조은정 CHO Eun Joung, 동시적이고 점진적인 Simultaneous and Gradual, 2023, 캔버스에 유채 Oil on canvas, 65.1x100cm

What is important is how much communication we can have. There must be emotion and room for imagination. A work of art is, after all, finding something in the routine that is repeated every day and giving it meaning. We want to look at the current works with an affectionate gaze. Gallery Doll invites SOONHOW and CHO Eun Joung, who have been working on a plane in which the creator’s thoughts are condensed in the form, to think about what is a work of art and also think about paintings.

순호 SOONHOW, 공기빛 A Light of The Air, 2023, 캔버스에 유채, 60.6×72.7cm

Gallery Doll
87 Samcheongro, Jongrogu, Seoul
+82 2 739 1405, 6

