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CHOO Young-ae Solo Show

2022. 7. 12 – 7. 30
CHOO Young-ae

Choo Young-ae is a female artist who majored in textile art and paints with fabric and thread, not paint. The artist is more familiar with the fabric than anyone else and it is natural. I paint with fabrics that have been thrown away by someone, and fabrics I have dyed myself. Breathe into the fabric again.

Paintings made with fabric are cozy and warm, and are born as < paintings that give relaxation > of rest and rest. The artist is constantly expanding the indoor space, outdoor space, and still life space in various ways.

Inconsistent pieces of fabric and inconsistent stitches create a single shape as they move around as if entangled in various relationships as in our lives. As it is divided and connected in this way, one space is completed.
The more we look into the work, the more we discover soft and warm objects that are tangled and simple but not simple. The space changes in depth as it is laid down, and it becomes cozy, soft, and three-dimensional. We ask for your interest in Choo Young-ae’s work that brings comfort to many people this year.

4, Samseong- ro 147 gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, KOREA
+82 2 543 1663

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