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Lieux Privés

2020. 11. 7– 11. 28
Jaeeun Jeon

2GIL29 GALLERY is pleased to announce Jaeeun Jeon: Lieux Privés, a solo exhibition on view from November 7 to 28, 2020. The artist will be showing paintings involving hand embroidery and textile work using fabric and threads. This solo exhibition shows the overlap between hand stitching and painting. According to the artist, ‘Lieux Privés’ means a certain space that is connected to herself in an ontological way which involves time and her childhood. Layers of different colored paint and fabric create a familiar sense of space and this represents a piece of the artist’s childhood memory.

35, Gangnam-daero 158-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
02 6230 2015

