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You and I in the Square

Seula Yi

Seula Yi, Walking into the Patterns, 2023, Watercolor and gouache on Arches, 76.7×57.5cm

Artist Seula Yi’s solo exhibition ‘You and I in the Square’ is presented at 2GIL29 GALLERY from November 4th to November 30th. Born in 1990, Yi captures the essence of the urban experience, which holds a mirror to the lives of modern city dwellers. Her fine brushwork and the vivid emotional shapes she creates translate complex urban narratives into the visual language of her art.

In this exhibition, one can also see large-scale canvas works that have not been attempted before. The artist presents the whispers and rhythmic colors of the city through a unique perspective. Through the standardized rectangular frame of a window, the artist reveals the inner narratives of urban structures, expressing the myriad scenes of life that unfold within.The works transcend visible spaces, allowing one to imagine infinite possibilities, and exhibit the process of exploring and elevating the complex facets of modern society into art. As an observer of the city,

Seula Yi, Tiny cities, 2023, Oil on canvas, 112x145cm

Yi explores the beauty of moments we might overlook and the hidden meanings within the hustle of urban life. Her mode of expression offers viewers a sense of spaciousness through an audiovisual freedom. Yi’s canvases, where one can feel the rhythm of the city, harmoniously arrange reality and ideals, staging theatrical elements within urban living. Visitors find themselves as both protagonists and spectators within her works. Yi’s everyday recordings become an endless source of creative material, revealing her desire to encapsulate the city’s multifaceted dynamism. Her work pulsates like the heartbeat of the city, conveying love, joy, and solitude that breathe within it. Depicting the city as a sea of emotions, and a place of dreams and hope, she leads the audience to a deeper empathy with the movement and identity of the city.

Ultimately, ‘You and I in the Square’ is an exhibition that holds the emotional empathy and narrative of the human crowd as unfolded by artist Seula Yi, focusing on the aesthetics of urban life and the backdrop of human existence. Through this exhibition, we will reflect on the meaning of the ‘square’ in our lives, rekindling the importance of aesthetic essence of the city and human interaction within it, promising a profound resonance for us all. With the question “What ‘square’ does our everyday exist within?” the exhibition invites the audience to gain a new perspective on their daily lives and the city.

Garosu-gil 35, Gangnam-daero 158gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
82 2 6203 2015

