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14 October 2021
PM 14:00 - PM 15:00

Transition in the Art Market, Trend of Korean Art Industry

South Korea has grown from a country receiving help from the international community to a country providing help. Followed by the significant economic growth, South Korea became a trend leading cultural powerhouse and rapidly developed in the field of arts and culture of the 21st century. As a cultural powerhouse that transcends existing systems and concepts, corporates, institutions, and art enthusiasts, must be prepared to face a new era. We will explore the direction and potential of the Korean art market through the conversation with Chairman Higgin KIM, who continues to support arts and culture as an entrepreneur. The conversation will explore further into the art business industry through Mark TETTO, an art business investor and Chief Manager Donghyun KIM, who leads KIAF Office with experience in galleries and art fairs.


Higgin KIM

Chairman, BYUCKSAN ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. / Korea Mecenat Association




CEO, TCK Investments


Donghyun KIM

Chief Manager, KIAF SEOUL