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Beyond the Abyss

LIM Chae Song


Installation view

The symbols of the senses filtered through unconsciousness are a landscape that combines reality and fantasy in poetic language. Her work, which has a mysterious atmosphere, is a private space where familiarity and unfamiliarity coexist.

Keep One’s Private Past in the Dark #1, Oil on linen, 100×80.3㎝, 2022

Through this new work, the artist goes one step further from her emotional balance and correlation-oriented story about any existing phenomenon or object, and presents stories based on human interrelationships such as balance, harmony, and communication between people. The use of strong colors and the objects that are revealed on canvas try to compare the world to surreal things.

Objet – Sandglass, Oil on linen, 31.8×31.8㎝, 2022

In fact, modern society is an age of uncertainty. Ideologies that were believed to be firm are subject to criticism, pessimism appears, and disorder forms a phenomenon due to anxiety, and surrealism is also prevalent. In other words, art has no answer within the category of modern art. Persuasive with private stories, the works have power. The reason why surrealism is summoned again now is that reality is unstable and does not give satisfaction. Just as there are phenomena in which small things become large and powerful in dreams, works show surreal landscapes that reflect the artist’s wishes and desires.

Agglomerational Objet #5, Oil on linen, 65.1×65.1㎝, 2022

The coexistence of heterogeneous objects derived from imagination has a strange persuasive power that gathers the eyes of viewers.


Gallery Doll
87 Samcheongro, Jongrogu, Seoul

