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2020.9.10 – 11.17

Sungpil Han interprets and explores various cultures of everyday life, and sets forth an extensive discourse not only on the reproduction of images where reality and the virtual intersect but also on the relationships between humans and nature, history and the environment through photography, video, and installation. The artist’s work, founded upon profound contemplation and ideas, freely crosses over the boundary between photography and painting and presents at once original sensibility, sense of humor, and sublime beauty.
Soul Art Space is pleased to present new works of Sungpil Han, who has continued his artistic challenge and research throughout Europe, Asia, Oceania, North, Central, and South America, and across the Antarctic and the Arctic polar regions.

Sungpil Han visualizes the flux between reality and ideals within image representation through his series. The unique ambiance of elaborate screens creates confusion between what is real and imaginary. Capturing the delicate moment between the current and future sites, the works raise fundamental questions about human desire.

After graduating from the Department of Photography at Chung-Ang University in Korea, Sungpil Han earned a master’s degree in CuratingContemporary Design from Kingston University in the U.K. While holding exhibitions in numerous galleries including Galería Blanca Berlín(Spain) andTochoii-The Buddhist Temple(Japan), Sungpil Han also participated in major exhibitions of museums and biennales, such as the Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, and Yokohama Triennale.

30 Haeundae Haebyeon-Ro, Haeundae-Gu, Busan, Korea
+82 51 731 5878

