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The Hoeri as a Refuge


Max Ackermann und Otto Dix @ Bode Galerie Nuremberg I

In the exhibition “Max Ackermann and Otto Dix – The Höri as a Refuge”, the Bode Galerie presents paintings, drawings and prints by the two artists from the years of inner emigration on the Höri peninsula.

Max Ackermann, The Bay of Bregenz

The exhibition sheds light on a fascinating and unusual friendship between two outstanding artists of the 20th century. Max Ackermann, known for his abstract works, and Otto Dix, famous for his realistic and often relentlessly direct depictions, found a common refuge on the Höri peninsula on Lake Constance.

Max Ackermann, Bathers

Despite their different artistic approaches, they shared a deep mutual appreciation and friendship, which grew in importance both personally and artistically during the turbulent times of the world wars and the political upheavals of the 20th century.

Max Ackermann, Beach Picture

The exhibition shows how these two artists were closely connected not only through their art, but also through their personal relationships and their shared pursuit of artistic freedom and inspiration. A selection of their works and documentation of their time on the Höri impressively illustrate the special bond between Ackermann and Dix and the inspiring effect of this idyllic landscape on their work.


Bode Galerie
Lorenzer Straße 2, 90402 Nuremberg, Germany
+49 911 5109200

