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Kiaf onSITE Performance: The Black Moon and the Rabbits

Program  | The Black Moon and the Rabbits by JIN Dallae & PARK Woohyuk

Location  |  1F Swing Space (located between Hall A & B)

Time  |  September 4th, 13:00 PM / September 7th, 14:00 PM


Pencil the time on 4th September & 7th September!

The Black Moon and the Rabbits, the performance by JIN Dallae & PARK Woohyuk will be ready for the visitors of Kiaf SEOUL 2024 at 1 pm on 4th September, and 2pm on 7th September. You will be stopped by the encounter of this muti-discipline ‘happening’ performed along with 10 modern performers and eccentric installations at the Swing Space between Hall A and B.   


The Black Moon and the Rabbits is a performance and installation. It is distinguished by a circular carpet, inclined planes, and platforms that resemble a stage. The performance consists of eight balls of differing diameters and ten performers. The performers execute straightforward, repetitious tasks, including passing balls between couples, rolling a large ball up the incline, and transferring a ball in a single direction within a group of six. The performances of these small groups are further developed into intergroup exchanges. The piece delves into the norms and patterns of society using these mechanical and repetitive actions and noises.


JIN Dallae & PARK Woohyuk, The Black Moon and the Rabbits, Installation, Sound, Performance, 2024


JIN Dallae & PARK Woohyuk is a contemporary art collective dealing with many different media such as performance, design, digital art, and dimensional art etc. The duo created their new performance, The Black Moon and the Rabbits for the Kiaf onSITE, Kiaf SEOUL 2024’s special exhibition this year. The performance will resonate with their re-interpreted actions presented by about 10 performers, elusive sounds by different musical instruments, and visual installations. Please be with us at the happening of the most contemporary taking place in the Swing Space between Hall A and B of Kiaf SEOUL 2024. It will be coming at 1 pm on 4TH September 2024.


JIN Dallae & PARK Woohyuk, Water Garlic Onion Milk Fruit, 2 channel video, 27 min 34 sec, 2021
