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From the Roots To the Fruit

2022. 7. 12 – 8. 23
Kim Sundoo, Kang Seokmun, Lee Donghwan, Jang Hyunjoo

Where does the mellow and deep scent of tea come from? Perhaps it comes from having deeply rooted in the ground vertically and enduring the cold and wind. As soon as the tea is fertilized, the roots of the tea tree give up going down vertically and reproduce horizontally. From giving up desperation and compromising with comfort, the deep scent of tea disappears and becomes contaminated tea by spraying pesticides to relieve it by bringing in all kinds of pests. So is the painting.

The scent of paintings makes us reflect on our lives and enrich our emotions. In order for an artist who creates touching art to have a deep artistic scent, a solid foundation such as a root of a tea tree that stretches straight into the ground is needed. The problem of Koreanization today lies in the lack of these basic skills. The writer’s concept and various experiences are naturally required for writers, but the basics of the brush that embody them are poor.

In modern Korean painting, the brush is both a line and a form. In Korean painting, the word that comes to mind when you think of brush is writing. The line of Korean painting is space art and time art. These attributes allow Korean painting to exist in the form of a brush. In order for your writing skills to shine, you must have good behavior and in order for your form to shine, you must have good writing skills. It’s like having to be familiar with geography before you can drive well. Furthermore, good brushwork is always with composition, blackness, and thinking ability based on writing and form.

The “From the Roots To the Fruit” exhibition is an exhibition that showcases the work of artists with strong brushes on the premise that the root is the fruit. On top of that, they are writers with modernity. Kim, Sundoo, Kang, Seokmun, Jang, Hyunjoo, and Lee, Donghwan are artists with the firmness and modern sense of the brush required by Korean painting. In particular, they have eyes that read their own unique artistic philosophy and era based on the long-term technique.

I would like to invite you to the feast of the fruit of the painting, the result of their fierce insight in the hot summer.

Fill Gallery
24 UN Village-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea
+82 2 795 0046

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