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Don’t disturb me, I’m blooming

2023. 6. 29 – 9. 1
Fátima de Juan

Fátima de Juan, Flower fortress, 2023, Acrylic and spray paint on canvas, 190 x 160 cm

This new exhibition offers a new twist to her voluptuous and colorful practice. Through her works, de Juan reveals the splendor of flowers, these authentic ephemeral jewels of nature that follow their own laws and rhythms, alien to ours. They provide valuable lessons and encourage reflection on time and trust. Slow processes become beautiful in their continuous contemplation.

On this occasion, Fátima’s women pass on a message of serenity and self-care. Their relaxed eyes and sheathed nails spread the peace that comes from stopping the fight when starting a new phase. Deep in their “Flower fortress” (2023), they transport us to a state of contemplation and connection with nature, recalling the importance of stopping and appreciating the natural environment within chaos. The fight is over.

Fátima de Juan, Flower fortress 2, 2023, Acrylic and spray paint on canvas, 190 x 160 cm

Fátima de Juan’s artworks spark sensitivity and invite us to immerse ourselves in a world where nature and imagination are intertwined. They remind of the importance of caring for and appreciating our environment, as well as cultivating our own transformation and inner growth. On this occasion, Fátima enters a garden of sensations where nature becomes a catalyst for personal evolution. In the midst of a fast-paced world, these paintings invite us to stop, breathe and allow ourselves to flourish in our own authenticity. They give us a moment of introspection and connection to what is essential, inspiring us to embrace our florescence and find beauty in the small details of life.

(excerpts from Raquel Victoria text)

Fátima de Juan, Don’t disturb me, I’m blooming, 2023, Acrylic and spray paint on canvas, 180 x 260 cm

Fátima de Juan (Palma de Mallorca, 1984) is an artist based in Mallorca.
Her first contact with the world of painting was through graffiti as a teenager under the alias “Xena”. Years later she studied Illustration at the School of Arts and Crafts in Palma and Graphic Design in Madrid.

Fátima de Juan, Family Tree 1, 2023, Acrylic and spray paint on canvas, 214 x 180 cm

The woman is a constant in all her work; a strong woman, with large arms, exuberant features and claws, a reflection of an attitude that exudes femininity, sweetness and brute strength. Nature, the exotic, the primitive, the naive, the erotic, the tropical, fantasy and magic coexist in her personal universe through vivid colours and velvety textures that give her an almost real and naïve dimension at the same time. Ancestral elements such as fruits, pitchers, stones, swords… coexist with more “aesthetic”, street and futuristic elements that make up the artist’s dreamlike imaginary, full of contrasts and sweetly aggressive self-portraits.

Fátima de Juan, Family tree 2, 2023, Acrylic and spray paint on canvas, 214 x 180 cm

C. Salvador 24, 2º
08902 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat
Barcelona, Spain

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